What should a sketchbook contain/ look likeSketchbooks are a visual diary made of stuff you see,things you think, and skills you are working on. Your sketchbook wont and should not be made of jsut ‘good’ complete drawings.. A sketchbook will and should have poor drawings beacuse and paintings as well as good ones because sometimes it's just visual thoughts. Soemtimes some pages it your sketchbook won't look or make sence to anyone but you, thats ok they don't have to. Don’t tear out pages if something goes wrong. You should feel unencumbered by the need to be accurate. When you are faced with a brand new sketchbook, don’t freeze on the first page. It doesn’t have to be clean, neat and tidy
MRs. Ras' Sketchbook assignmentsAfter attending National Portfolio Day I realized that some sketchbook assignments would benefit you, my students. these sketchbook assignemtn are designed to encourage artistic and creative growth. Sketchbooks are a wonderful place to vissually think things out.. With our weekly sketchbook assignemnts students will be about to work on their skills and areas of interest. For every weekly sketch book assignemnt students complete they will recieve an additonal extra gredit point to their current school project.