Using the information on this page (the wrtiing and videos) Answer the questions in the link . You may answer the questions in a new google doc or on a sheet of paper.
Let ME Take a Selfie: A look at a Modern trend through Art History
Selfie Project 1: Arranging and Zooming in on a SELFIE
Using a "Selfie" (yes, you can use your phones for this) Arrange and present it artfully in a frame like template. Samples are below. The purpose is to really analyze different areas of your photo and puzzle them together to still make a cohesive artwork. Requirements
Assignment: What makes a Selfie art? Why are they important
Self-absorption or self-expression? Are Selfies art? Can a selfie become art?This notion has been on the minds of critics and artist alike for a while, well since the invention of the camera phone in 2003. Recently, some artist have created currated galleries to explore this theme and likewise articles have been writen aswell. A favorite of mine is from the publication Vulture, Art at Arm’s Length: A History of the Selfie
Bellow is an excerpt that i think highlights aspects of this debate. "Everyone has their own idea of what makes a good selfie. I like the ones that metamorphose into what might be called selfies-plus—pictures that begin to speak in unintended tongues, that carry surpluses of meaning that the maker may not have known were there. Barthes wrote that such images produce what he called “a third meaning,” which passes “from language to significance.” I’m not talking about cute contradictions, unintended parody, nip slips." I’m far from the first to say the selfie is something significant. Way back in 2010, the artist-critic David Colman wrote in the New York Times that the selfie “is so common that it is changing photography itself.” Colman in turn quoted the art historian Geoffrey Batchen saying that selfies represent “the shift of the photograph [from] memorial function to a communication device.” What I love about selfies is that we then do a second thing after making them: We make them public. Which is, again, something like art.
What do you Think?Writing Assignment
Write a one-page response, answering the question "Are Selfies art? What makes them art or not? What are the qualifications per se . please add reasoning to your opinion. Use your own opinions as well as the video about and the writing the left to help formulate your response. |