First Step Of the Road to Scientific Illustrations
Complete the questions below in your do now portfolio.
About Scientific Illustrations
MArine Biology Scientific Illustration
They say, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” As cliche as it is, that phrase could not resonate more clearly for this visual learner than when I am flipping through a 10 lb. biology textbook full of thousands of words. I can read through pages and pages describing some ecological process or critter life cycle and be completely bogged down until, I hit the magical beacon of hope that brings it all together. An illustration. Check out this current Scientific Illustration Digital Artist Laurie O'keefe
Project discription
Traditional Scientific IllustrationsExamples of Digital painted AquATIC aNIMALS |
Like Durer students will create a scientific illustration examining the detail of their chosen subjec from Marine Biology but using the modern amendities of our time. Photoshop.
The painting must
Step one: create a original composition by COLL AGING together your image
Project Example
Research ParagraphThe fascinating Deep sea Bioluminescent Octopus or Stauroteuthis syrtensis is a species that has rarely been seen or studied. It resides in the deepest part of our oceans, the North Atlantic Ocean which in part is the reason for its elusiveness. This reddish-brown octopus resembles a large umbrella, where its 8 legs are connected or webbed. On the octopus's underside, its suckers light up. A total of about 60 adhesive suckers exists on each arm. All light up with bioluminescence. Scientists believe this characteristic to be a defensive mechanism, and being used by the animal to scare off predators. Some Whales and squid are attracted to the glowing underside of the cookie-cutter shark, which grabs a bite out of the animals once they are close. The scientists also believe that the glowing characteristics purpose could be to lure for the planktonic crustaceans that form its main diet. This octopus does not continuously glow but will light up or twinkle for about 5 minutes at a time.
project Requirements
First students will complete a little research on their chosen aquatic subject matter.In their Do Now Portfolio students must answer the following questions about your aquatic subject matter in a paragraph using complete sentences and a min of 75 words. This will be worth 50 project points!
like Durer and Digital Artist Laurie O'Keeffe students will create a scientific illustration examining the details of their chosen Marine Biology subject but using the modern amenities of our time. Photoshop. The painting must
Rubric |