The Pen Tool
The Pen tool, found in the Tools panel, is one of the most powerful drawing tools in Illustrator and on any digital software. With it, you can create and edit anchor points that make up paths. Bellow are some important and helpful tips on using the pen tool Set stroke and fill before drawing To start with the Pen tool, select the Pen tool in the Tools panel and, in the Properties panel, set the stroke weight to 1 pt., the color to black, and the fill to none. Create straight lines To create straight lines with the Pen tool, click and release to create an anchor point. Move the pointer, then click and release to create another anchor point. You can continue clicking and releasing in different areas to create more anchor points for the path. To close a path, move the pointer over the original anchor point, and when a circle shows next to the pointer, press the Shift key and click the end point. To stop drawing a path without closing it, press the Escape key. Create curves To draw a curve, press and drag away from the point to create direction handles, and then release. Move the pointer, press and drag away to create another anchor point and release. The more you drag when creating or editing anchor point handles, the more curve the path has. |
Pick a Song lyric. this is will be your theme!
When Bob Dylan won the Nobel Prize in literature last October, it produced a bonanza of debate over questions that had long dominated late-night dorm-room and barstool conversations. Is pop music poetry? When broken down to its most basic components song lyrics had a strong resemblance to poetry. Consider the elements of poetry. The elements of poetry include meter, rhyme, imagery, form, sound, and rhythm (timing). Songs have the same characteristics. For the purpose of this project we will be focusing on imagery. Descriptive Imagery Imagery is something concrete, like a sight, smell or taste. Imagery describes what the poet sees, hears or otherwise senses, be it a literal image or one that exists in his mind. Visual imagery, which describes what the poet sees, is the most common type of image in poetry. It creates a picture that the reader or listener can see in his mind. |
task one
In your portfolio
1) paste in a section two or three lines of your chosen . make sure that some "imagery" is present in your select section.. 2) Tell me what imagery you see/ hear in your song lyrics (think objects or people.. it will be easier for the silhouette portion of this project. so no landscape, sky's or underwater etc) 3) what photos do you plan to look for to recreate your imagery In photoshop
Like the banksy project, copy and paste at least 3 things together to create your imagery. cut out the backgrounds and combine the pieces together. |
Mrs Ras' Example for Task one.. can you figure out my song!
PArt Two: Vector your SILHOUETTE in illustrator
Copy and paste your collage into a file in illustrator. using your pen tool trace your creation and turn it into a vector silhouette.
"I think I’m loosin my mind
I know she fooling no Einstein I've been here choosing the wrong signs Stabbed in the back bruised up & down my spine" |
PArt Three: add the lyrics
1. in a new layer, using the type tool type in your text (your song lyric snip it)
2. separate each letter and arrange the letters inside your silhouette to create a design.
2. separate each letter and arrange the letters inside your silhouette to create a design.
Assignmentusing the pen tool and illustrators selection tool students will create a positive space silhouette that they fill with negative space lettering. The words and images should relate. Students will show their mastery of the pen tool.
Must have
tutorials |