Answer the questions below with the information on this page and your own knowledge of art.
Towards the end of cubism (1911- 1920s) some artist began to try a change their styles from the muted colors and fractured objects of cubism for brilliant colors and abstract representations of time and experience in abstract shapes. This styling became known as Orphism and introduced non-objective painting to the world
What is Orphism .Orphism is one of the earliest styles to approach complete abstraction, meaning that the art did not try to visually represent any item or subject visually. It instead relied on more subjective elements like rhythm, color and shape to elicit an emotional feeling. Artist were More concerned with the expression and significance of sensation, than with recognizable subjects. Artists of the movement created abstract structures that that used, color, repetition, rhythm and composition to achieve their purpose. Orphism aimed not to create recognizable subject matter, but instead rely on form and color to communicate meaning. Orphism wasn't an art movement for long, but what makes the style relevant is how many other artist and styles it influenced. Bauhaus and Neoplasticism were directly influenced by this movement as they both tried to create art in its most simplistic form of lines and shapes. Art characteristics important to Orphism
Merging Styles
Bringing the Orphism into the 21st century. By Using the Geometric structure, style of Orphism we'll be creating a themed collage. Using only 2 images you will be pasting into and highlight different parts of the photo. Even though the project involves photography and pasting in images m the basic art characteristic of orphism apply and must be addressed. Shape, Rhythm, and composition. Think of this project like a puzzle what zoomed in combination of shapes are going to give an appealing composition, and rhythm. Step one: Find a geometric background that you can use as your structure for your collage. Try searching in Google for Geometric Abstract Design Pick something with 20 or more shapes in it but do not do more than 50 (your sanity is important) Step two: First pick a theme like, nature, vehicles, or vintage etc. Then find 2 to 3 images that reflect that theme.
Step three:
using the selection tools select and paste into your gemetriic shape template the pictures highling different views and angles of the Photos |
AssignmentCreate a hybrid modernized orphism collage Using two to three images parts of each according to the structure of an abstract geometric background
The overall collage is a study in composition. Requirements
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