What is Lighting, and how does it enhance our artwork? Lighting can be used in value, the highlights and shadows of a form rendering the subject more realistic. Lighting can can also evoke a mood ie high contrast and bright light can be exciting, high energy. Lighting is critical to artwork as it can be the difference between capturing your viewers attention and not, or conveying the right mood. besides cool lighting effects just look cool!
The following Graphic Artists use lighting in their work Adith Tirta is a freelance digital artist, and graphic designer combined from Surakarta, Indonesia. His artwork has a distinctive look to it. Not only does he use photo-manipulation tactics, but also relies on digital arts and other abstract ways to keep his art in a form that will have you gazing at it for more than just “some time”. Pete Harrison is graphic designer based in the United who started to pursue a career within the design industry within 2003. I like Pete Harrison that he knows how to smartly incorporate light effects into his designs, which is very smartly done. http://peteharrison.com/portfolio/ AssignmentChoose three artworks from each artist and answer the following questions on a shareable google doc.
1) what is the title and artist 2) what do you see in this artwork? The basics. 3) what do you think this is about/ what is the artist saying based on the things you see? 4)Is the Lighting effect that is used is it effective? Why? |
AssignmentChoose a action pose and create a lighting effect around it to create a bold and balance composition.
Skill TwoSed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusant doloremque laudantium, totam rem.
TutorialFollow this tutorial to do a quick and fun light effects project.