About Photography in artPhotography is the art and practice capturing light with a camera, usually via a digital sensor or film, to create an image.
This Studio Photography class is a beginner photography course. This course aims to help you master a digital camera by learning earn the basic functions of your camera. The goal is for you to begin to shoot in manual mode and capturing high-quality images. In addition, this course also aims to teach the art making side of Photography no just the technical. Such principles are Exposure, Lighting, Composition, narrative, and speed. STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHY GOALSWhen students complete this course they will......
Famous PhotographyClass Resources
classroom code kwbx3ao
7. Remind
7. Google Meet
Class Materials (what students will need)
GradingStudents quarterly grades are composed of 2 parts
70 % Project Grades 30% Studio practices
This Category is all about the projects and the artwork created. Each project is graded against a rubric composed of 5 objectives each worth 20 points. The rubrics are provided at the beginning at the each project and the objectives are always on the project page
This category incorporates a few elements that will make up 30 percent of the overall grade.
Student Responsibilities
Student artwork |
Set up Assignments: Lets Get Started!
Set up ASSIGNMENTS one: Set up your google classroom Your Set up and log in to our google classroom
look back at class resources for your code and link |
Set Up Assignment two:Class SurveyOpen the following link and answer the questions in the googe classroom assignment