About Studio in Computer Graphics This class is an in\introductory art class focused on the basic art elements; line, shape, space, value, form, texture, and color. Using these art elements students will create beautiful and inspiring works of art. To create our art we will be using the computers and Adobe imaging programs such as Photoshop and Illustrators, programs which are industry standards in the Graphic Design World.
This class is a mix of both new and old world art. while we will explore traditional fine arts from history, such as Leonardo Di Viinci we will be creating our art in the 21st century using Graphic technology and inspired by some of today's most talented Digital Artist such as Shepard Fairy and even Bansky Famous Graphic Design and Media ArtClass Resources
8. Google Meet
Class Materials (what students will need)
GradingStudents quarterly grades are composed of 2 parts
70 % Project Grades 30% Studio practices
This Category is all about the projects and the artwork created. Each project is graded against a rubric composed of 5 objectives each worth 20 points. The rubrics are provided at the beginning at the each project and the objectives are always on the project page
This category incorporates a few elements that will make up 30 percent of the overall grade.
Student Responsibilities
Student artwork |
Set up Assignments: Lets Get Started!
Intro Art Assignment: "cut and paste" a poly shape animal
assignmentto introduce photoshop and the world of digital art we are going to complete a simple copy and paste project. The goal is to create to arrange the shapes to create a animal using "copy and paste"s . Below is a slide show document that will have links to documents for you to use and then give you step by step directions to complete the assignment. I will walk you through the process
The skills gained in this project will be the foundation to use throughout the year. |
teacher example |