Learn about different tool and techniques in Adobe Illustrator
On this page students can access projects and tutorials to help them reference and improve their skills in vexatious tools and techniques in illustrator. These projects can be done and handed in on at any point to get extra credit on any project up to 10 points.
Learning to Love the PEn Tool!!Fun Pen Tool Game
For this Fun Challenge you will try the following two pen tool games to see if you learn anything new about pen tool and increase your mastery of the tool. When you finish the game take a screen shot (command+shift+3) to place in your portfolio for credit and brag about your high score to show that you completed today's challenge. Game 1 -https://helpx.adobe.com/illustrator/games/pen-tool-game/ Game 2 - http://bezier.method.ac_ |
Loving the Pen Tool Part 2Open one of the following " tutorials" in illustrator and use the pen tool to "connect the dots"
go to the following website and follow the steps to create at least 3 basic shapes
http://www.vectordiary.com/illustrator/drawing-with-pen-tool/ |
Pen out more complicated shapes.open one of the following documents and trace the shapes with your pen tool. Consintrate on creating curves. * remember to create curves you have to click and drag to get hands
Create a simple "face" playing cardComplete the shapes above and use them in the card project
using the template bellow copy and paste a silhouette and trace it. to create a playing card ![]()
Learn to "Shape" Shapes |
Using the Pen tool to create TYpographyOpen the following document in illustrator and use the pen tool to trace the outline of the letters. once the outline is complete use the Direct Selection tool to alter it's shape into a unique typography
Use the link below and follow the tutorial to create a Monocromatic Portriat using meshes, pen tool etc.
https://design.tutsplus.com/tutorials/create-a-monochrome-portrait-in-illustrator--vector-3881 |
Holiday Sillouttesusing the tutorial bellow. create two or more silhouettes to combine together to create a positive and negative graphic
here is a card template that we can print double sided and fold. Make sure when pasting your images to place the image the right side up... hint look at the words