take a look at these beautiful collages from the series “Mapping” by American artist Sarah Eisenlohr. She mixed old photos and retro postcards to create stunning landscapes and surreal compositions. What is so surreal or "Dream like" about these
class objective
1) choose a surreal theme ie like a surfer riding a shooting star, or a forest of balloon trees etc
2) copy and paste a background image that will serve as the stage for most of the peice
3) learn and use the poly lasso tool aswell other selection tools to select areas of other photos to cut and paste and create a college with
4) by the end of today have a background and 3 intricately cut and pasted pieces
class objective
1) choose a surreal theme ie like a surfer riding a shooting star, or a forest of balloon trees etc
2) copy and paste a background image that will serve as the stage for most of the peice
3) learn and use the poly lasso tool aswell other selection tools to select areas of other photos to cut and paste and create a college with
4) by the end of today have a background and 3 intricately cut and pasted pieces