Do Now
Answer the following questions on your NEW FIMA question on your google slides
1a) what is art characteristic Value?
1a) what is art characteristic Value?
Pretend that you were creating a value tone collage of this hippo, what tones would you choose from the column of the right would you place in the highlighted areas of the picture.
- What tone would you put in the magenta shape?
- What tone would you put in the blue shape?
- What tone would you put in the red shape?
- What tone would you put in the yellow shape?
- What tone would you put in the green shape?
6. Look at the images about which picture would be easier to do a collage of? Why? * consider which one you can see more form and definition on.
7. Which one looks clearer? why?
(They both are the same pixels, why does one look clearer, what is the difference?)
7. Which one looks clearer? why?
(They both are the same pixels, why does one look clearer, what is the difference?)
Class Objective
begin to collage your chosen animal.
Remember to choose "like" values and tones of paper to collage onto the animal ie keep to the dark areas dark and light areas light, the
Remember to choose "like" values and tones of paper to collage onto the animal ie keep to the dark areas dark and light areas light, the