Do Now
Add your digital painting to your portfolio
answer the questions below in your do now portfolio if you did not on friday
open your phtohop pop icon picture
open the project tutorial
Add your digital painting to your portfolio
answer the questions below in your do now portfolio if you did not on friday
open your phtohop pop icon picture
open the project tutorial
class objective
Find a high resolution picture of a Pop Culture icon from today and paste it into photoshop and agein adding filters
Things things that were do foor the Interms on Oct 7th (must be in your portfolio and shared with me) any work handed in after looses 20 pts
Find a high resolution picture of a Pop Culture icon from today and paste it into photoshop and agein adding filters
Things things that were do foor the Interms on Oct 7th (must be in your portfolio and shared with me) any work handed in after looses 20 pts
- magritte collage
- surreal collage
- grid animal
- all due now questions