First Step Of the Road to Scientific Illustrations
Complete the questions below in your do now portfolio.
About Scientific Illustrations
Scientific illustration is more than just cool artwork. It’s a way of conveying technical detail that other tools can’t provide; of capturing the complexities of organisms or fabrications that are too small, too far away, too extinct, or too difficult to dissect; of sharing intimate research in a globally understood language.
Project discription
Traditional "Exotic" or unseen Scientific IllustrationsExamples of Digital painted Birds |
Like Durer students will create a scientific illustration.
Students will create a illustrations of a animal that is exotic and one that they have never seen before. (Zoo sightings excluded) animals can be fictitious or real. Naturalists of the Victorial era were natourious for creating visual creations for mythical or fabled creatures. People were hungerey to see creatures they had never encountered before in their lives. So studnets takls to to take this inspiriation for victorian times of Showing the unkown and create a schintific illustration of something ... exotic or even fictious. The painting must
Step one: create an original composition by collaging together your image1) decided on the bird you want to illustrate
2) find a high res pic s and collage together 3 find high res pic of its environment and any other material that can illustrate something about their life 4) cut and paste all things into one file in Photoshop Step twoUsing your digital painting knowledge illustrate your composition. you must have a reference picture ie the original to work with. Otherwise you are just making information up (colors, shadows, markings etc) and is it really a scientific Illustration
project Requirements
Like Durer students will create a scientific illustration.
Students will create a illustrations of a animal that is exotic and one that they have never seen before. (Zoo sightings excluded) animals can be fictitious or real. Naturalists of the Victoria era were notorious for creating visual creations for mythical or fabled creatures. People were hungry to see creatures they had never encountered before in their lives. So students talks to to take this inspiration in Victorian times of Showing the unknown and create a scientific illustration of something... Exotic or even fiction. The painting must
Rubric |
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