Contrasting Life and Death
CONTRAST: art ElementContrast: Subject
What is contrast?
Contrast as defined by is the state of being strikingly different from something else, typically something in juxtaposition or close association. In other words contrast is the comparison of two things things that are different from one another. The idea of contrast applies to themes and genres as well as a visual Technic for lighting and value. Contrast as a subject: Life and DeathSubject matter is what something is about and The theme is the message that the author or artist of this subject matter wishes to convey.. Contrast used in terms of subject matter and themes is used as a device through which writers and artist identify differences between two subjects, places, persons, things, or ideas. It't purpose is to , highlighted to emphasize their differences and convey a deeper meaning.
Gustav Klimt, Death and Life, 1910/15 © Leopold Museum, Vienna, GUSTAV KLIMT, DEATH AND LIFE Gustav Klimt’s large painting Death and Life, created in 1910, features not a personal death but rather merely an allegorical Grim Reaper who gazes at “life” with a malicious grin. This “life” is comprised of all generations: every age group is represented, from the baby to the grandmother, in this depiction of the never-ending circle of life. Death may be able to swipe individuals from life, but life itself, humanity as a whole, will always elude his grasp. The circle of life likewise repeats itself in the diverse, wonderful, pastel-coloured circular ornaments which adorn life like a garland. Life and Death is one of Klimt’s central themes, central also to his time and to his contemporaries among them Edvard Munch and Egon Schiele. Life and death the painting by Klimt displays death but contrast Life next to it highlighting a note of hope and reconciliation, instead of feeling threatened..The Death and Life Painting by Gustav Klimt is eerie. By contrasting life with death he raises fear in many people. He positions each element in the painting carefully, directing the eyes from one subject to another as he tells his story. The painting is divided into two halves and is designed as a reminder that Life is always being observed with a degree of malice. This is true for people of any age. Older and younger men and women are represented in the painting, seemingly unaware that at any moment, Death may strike. Contrast as an art Technic: valueValue deals with the lightness or darkness of a color. Since we see objects and understand objects because of how dark or light they are, value is incredible important to art
Value contrast refers to the range or scale of lightness to darkness. Black is at one end of the value scale and white at the other. Value contrast works best to make an emphasis and noticeable. That is why signs are generally made with strong value contrast. |
Based on the artwork "Life and Death" by Gustav Klimt students will create a Skull artwork displaying the theme and value of contrast. We will be using the art characteristics that the artwork exhibits.
Art Characteristics of Gustav Klimt's "Life and Death"
Art Characteristics of Gustav Klimt's "Life and Death"
- value (Lights and Darks)
- symbolism of Death (the skull) and Life (your choice)
- Patterns
- at least 3 or more images arranged
AssignmentBased on the artwork "Life and Death" by Gustav Klimt students will create a Skull artwork displaying the theme and value of contrast. We will be using the art characteristics that the artwork exhibits.
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