Chiaroscuro LightingChiaroscuro, in art, is the use of strong contrasts between light and dark, usually bold contrasts affecting a whole composition. It is also a technical term used by artists and art historians for the use of contrasts of light to achieve a sense of volume in modelling three-dimensional objects and figures.
The term chiaroscuro stems from the Italian words chiaro (“clear” or “bright”) and oscuro (“obscure” or “dark”), and refers to the arrangement of light and shade in a work of art. Renaissance master Leonardo da Vinci is said to have invented chiaroscuro, discovering that he could portray depth through slow gradations of light and shadow. A century later, the Italian Baroque painter Caravaggio spearheaded a new method of chiaroscuro, using a single light source—such as a lit candle or an open window—to dramatically brighten his figures against a dark background. This emphasis on tonal contrast quickly spread across Europe. Another famous artist that utilized this Chiascurro Lighting trend/ technic was Rembrandt. Rembrandt used lighting effects to achieve an impression of depth. He came up with the use of a spotlight in painting – a beam of light lightens the head and shoulders of the main figure, while leaving everything else in shadow. This creates a dramatic theatrical effect. The Man in Oriental Dress of 1632 is one of the first paintings where this approach was used. Here are other examples: Portrait of Joris de Caullery, Portrait of Antonis Coopal and Portrait of Philips Lucasz. Such chiaroscuro was also used in history paintings, where the center of the composition is lit with light and the periphery with background is in shadow. This light effect helps the viewer focus on the main area of the painting. Rembrandt also used such light effects to differentiate planes, as, for example, in the Anatomy Lesson of Droctor Tulp. . |
duo tone Lighting
a recent trend in digital and Photorgraphy art is Duo tone Lighting. duo color lighting or Neon lighting started as a photography technic usiing differnt color gels on spotlights and such. In recent years it has become a popular post production ( photoshop) t4echnic. There are alot of similarities between the chaitascurro technic of the rensnisance and this trend today. Both use direct light and strong ligh sorces to scultp their subhect with light and consiquently the subjects seem to emerge from darkness. both technics heavily rely onb the art concept of value and contrast.
using duo tone lighting can enhance any portriat or subject not only by spotliughting the forms but by creating a mood. WE knoiw that lighting effects our emotions, if something os pverly dark we feel sad or fear, but oppositily if something has an abundance of light we feel happy. Duo tone lighting just ups the emotional story by adding color. Color psychology is a widey accepted trueth. Color effect and communicate emotions. Something overly red can feel romantic or horrorish depending on the value and saturation. |
Lindsay Adler Photography |
in this assignment new is going to meet old. Using the principles of both chaiascurro and duo color lighting we are going to paint a portriat.
first we will start off by createong a highly contrasted and portriat in photoshop then apply the duo color loghting effect.
In part two we are going to take our portrait and create a moody digital painting from our duo color lighting portraits we made initially.
must demonstrate a chaitasurro effect lighting
must demonstrate duo tone lighting
the colors enhance the emoton of the portriat
the portriat is painted using the lighting as its guide.
first we will start off by createong a highly contrasted and portriat in photoshop then apply the duo color loghting effect.
In part two we are going to take our portrait and create a moody digital painting from our duo color lighting portraits we made initially.
must demonstrate a chaitasurro effect lighting
must demonstrate duo tone lighting
the colors enhance the emoton of the portriat
the portriat is painted using the lighting as its guide.
part one: Photoshopiing Duo Color |
part two: digital painting |